Special Studio Events

Collage of piano trio performances at a The Art of Piano recital

The Art of Piano holds five special performance events a year, and students are encouraged to participate in additional performances and graded achievement programs.

Spring 2024–SPECIAL THEME: Theme and Variations

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, May 26
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Judith Mancinelli (retired Millikin U. faculty), Sat, May 11
  • Performance Parties (Grades 2-5 & 7-11), Sun, Mar 24

Fall 2023

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 17
  • Performance Classes (Grades 1-7 & 7-11), Sun, Nov 19

Spring 2023

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sat, May 20
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Dr. Natalie Landowski (Ass. Prof., IWU), Sat, May 6
  • Performance Parties (Grades 1-6 & 6-12), Sun, Apr 16

Fall 2022

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 18
  • Performance Classes (Grades 1-6 & 6-12), Sun, Nov 20

Spring 2022

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, May 29
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Dr. Chee Hyeon Choi (Ass. Prof. in Residence, Bradley U.), Sun, May 15
  • Performance Parties (Grades K-3, 4-7, 8-11), Apr 24

Fall 2021–SPECIAL THEME: Female Composers of Four Centuries

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 19
  • Performance Classes: Presentations on Female Composers, (Grades PreK-3, 4-7, 8-11), Sun, Nov 14, remote

Spring 2021

  • Spring Recital, Sun, May 30, remote
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Judith Mancinelli (retired Millikin U. faculty), Sat, May 15, remote
  • Performance Parties (Grades K-3, 4-6, 8-12), Sun, Apr 25, remote

Fall 2020

  • Winter Recital, Sun, Dec 13, remote
  • Performance Classes (Grades PreK-3, 4-6, 7-12), Sun, Nov 15, remote

Spring 2020

  • Spring Recital, Sun, May 31, remote
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Dr. Samuel Ginger (Adjunct Faculty, Millikin U.), Sat-Sun, May 16-17, remote
  • Performance Parties (Grades K-2, 3-4, 5-7, 8-11), Week of Apr 27, remote
Group-photo of the participants of The Art of Piano Spring Recital in 2023


Fall 2019–SPECIAL THEME: Duets

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 15
  • Performance Parties, (Grades K-5, 6 & above), Sun, Nov 17

Spring 2019

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, May 19
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Dr. Ilia Radoslavov (Assoc. Prof., IL Wesleyan U.), Sun, Apr 28
  • Performance Class & Party, Sun, March 17

Fall 2018–SPECIAL THEME: Classical and Traditional Music and their Jazz Arrangements

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 16
  • Performance Class/Social (older/more advance students) & Performance Party (younger students), Sun, Dec 2

Spring 2018–SPECIAL THEME: Dances of Five Centuries

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, June 10
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Dr. Jeffrey Brown (Assoc. Prof., WIU), Sun, May 20
  • Performance Class & Party (2 groups), Sun, Apr 29

Fall 2017

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 17
  • Performance Class (intermediate & advanced) & Performance Party (beginner & elementary), Sun, Nov 19

Spring 2017

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, May 21
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Dr. Tuyen Tonnu (Assoc. Prof., ISU), Sun, May 7
  • Performance parties (2 groups), Sun, Apr 9

Fall 2016–SPECIAL THEME: Romantic Imagery

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 11
  • Performance Class with Adj. Assoc. Prof. Judith Mancinelli (intermediate & advanced) & Performance Party (beginner & elementary), Sun, Nov 13

Spring 2016

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sat, June 4
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Dr. Chee Hyeon Choi (Temporary Instructor, Bradley U.), Sun, May 22
  • Performance parties (2 groups), Sun, Apr 24

Fall 2015–SPECIAL THEME: Hungarian & Pan-American Music

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 13
  • Performance Parties (2 groups), Sun, Nov 15

Spring 2015

  • 10-Year Anniversary Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, May 31
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Judith Mancinelli (Adj. Assoc. Prof., Millikin U.), Sun, May 17
  • Performance parties (2 groups), Sat, Apr 18


Fall 2014–SPECIAL THEME: Piano Trios (1 piano, 6 hands)

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 20
  • Performance Class (most advanced students) & Performance Party (younger students), Sun, Dec 7

Spring 2014

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, June 1
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Gellert Modos (Emeritus Prof., ISU), Sun, May 18
  • Masterclass with Judith Mancinelli, Adj. Assoc. Prof., Millikin U. (most advanced students) & Performance Party (younger students), Sat, Apr 26

Fall 2013

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 15
  • Performance Class/Social (older students) & Performance Party (younger students), Sun, Nov 17

Spring 2013

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, June 2
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Dr. Patricia Burt (Visiting Prof., IL Wesleyan U.), Sun, May 19
  • Masterclass with Gellert Modos, Emeritus Prof., Millikin U. (most advanced students) & Performance Party (younger students), Sat, May 4

Fall 2012

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 16
  • Performance Party, Sun, Dec 2

Spring 2012

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, May 20
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Dr. Susan Cobb (Adj. Assoc. Prof., Millikin U.), Sat, May 5
  • Performance Party, Sun, Apr 22

Fall 2011

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 11
  • Performance Party, Sat, Nov 13

Spring 2011

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, June 5
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Judith Mancinelli (Adj. Assoc. Prof., Millikin U.), Sun, May 15
  • Performance Class & Music Party, Sun, Apr 17

Fall 2010

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 12
  • Performance Party, Sat, Nov 6

Spring 2010

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, June 6
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Gellert Modos (Professor, ISU), Sun, May 16
  • Recital at Wyndcrest Assisted Living Community, Sat, May 1

Fall 2009–SPECIAL THEME: Piano Trios (1 piano, 6 hands)

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 13
  • Masterclass & Music Party, Sun, Nov 15

Spring 2009–SPECIAL THEME: Jazz Styles

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, May 31
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Dr. Tammy Walker (WIU), Wed, Apr 22
  • Performance Class & Music Party, Sun, Apr 5

Fall 2008

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 21
  • Performance Party, Sun, Nov 9

Spring 2008

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Jun 1
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Gellert Modos (Prof., ISU), Sun, May 18
  • Recital at St. Joseph's Home, Sun, May 4

Fall 2007

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 16
  • Performance Party, Sun, Nov 18

Spring 2007

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Jun 3
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Gellert Modos (Prof., ISU), Sun, May 20
  • Performance Class & Music Party, Sat, May 12

Fall 2006

  • Winter Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Dec 17
  • Performance Class & Music Party, Sun, Dec 3

Spring 2006

  • Spring Recital, Rochester Christian Church, Sun, Jun 4
  • Studio Festival, adjudicated by Judith Mancinelli (Adj. Assoc. Prof., Millikin U.), Sat, May 13
  • Performance Party, Sun, March 19

Fall 2005

  • Performance Party, Sun, Oct 23